NAEAC is made up of a chairperson and nine other members who are appointed by the Minister responsible for animal welfare and serve a term of three years.
When making appointments, the Minister must consider the public interest in the use of animals in RTT and ensure that there is a balance in the committee between members who are currently involved in RTT and those who are not. Members are chosen to ensure the committee holds knowledge and experience in the following areas:
- veterinary science
- medical science
- biological science
- the commercial use of animals in research and testing
- ethical standards and conduct in respect of animals
- education issues, including the use of animals in schools
- the manipulation of animals in research, testing, and teaching
- environmental and conservation management
- animal welfare advocacy
- any other area the Minister considers relevant.
For further information on the appointments process, contact
Current membership
NAEAC chairperson
Professor Natalie (Nat) Waran – BSc (Hons), PhD
Professor Emeritus (EIT Te Pūkenga); Hon Professor (Edinburgh University); Hon Professor (Hartpury University); Visiting Professor (Nottingham Trent University). Director (A Good Life for Animals), Companion Animals New Zealand. Trustee and Hon Fellow (International Society for Equitation Science).
Appointed 01.11.2021
NAEAC members
Dr Jacquie L Harper – BSc (Hons), PhD
Jacquie is the General Manager (Research & Innovation) at Bragato Research Institute and has held senior science leadership roles across a variety of organisations and institutions. She has a PhD in Chemistry and Physiology from the University of Otago and is a contract lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington.
Jacquie was appointed the NAEAC Deputy Chairperson for 2024.
Appointed 21.12.2022
Professor Laura Bennet – MA, PhD
Laura is a Professor of Physiology and Head of Department with The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Physiology at The University of Auckland. She was nominated by the Health Research Council of New Zealand.
Appointed 01.11.2021
Dr Angenita (Nita) B Harding – BVSc, MBA (Dist)
Nita is a Massey University veterinary graduate and during her career has worked in clinical practice in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, as well as holding various roles within industry and government. Nita has mostly worked in the livestock sector; however, she has always had an interest in animal welfare, and the use of animals in research, testing, and teaching. She has been an AEC member for over 20 years and was the first accredited reviewer of animal ethics committees appointed and carried out reviews for a 10 year period.
Nita currently works to provide resources and information to animal owners and industry stakeholders mostly in the livestock sector. Her previous roles have included work on animal health and welfare issues, biosecurity, disease control programmes, animal import and export quarantine work, and work in the meat industry.
Appointed 21.12.2022
Dr Janine A Duckworth – BAg Sc (Hons), PhD
Janine works as a Research Scientist (Wildlife Ecology and Management) for Manaaki Whenua, Lincoln, and for the last 30 years has specialised in the reproductive biology and biological control of wildlife pests. She lives near Te Waihora in Selwyn and she feels fortunate to have all her close family living nearby. Janine enjoys organic gardening, watching birdlife, caring for her dogs and chooks, and wandering the local walking tracks. She likes being part of a welcoming rural community and volunteers at the Waihora Park Reserve and tennis club and developing local native plantings. Janine also gets a lot of satisfaction as trustee on the Canterbury Environment Trust at Craigieburn, offering young people a chance to experience New Zealand’s wonderful natural environment.
Appointed 01.11.2021
Dr Joanne L Holter – BVSc
Jo joined the animal health industry 13 years ago and is currently MSD Animal Health New Zealand’s Livestock Veterinary Technical & Aftersales lead in which she is responsible for the veterinary, technology training, and service desk teams that support the biopharma and technology business for MSD Animal Health. Jo chairs the MSD Animal Health animal ethics committee, is a representative on the Member Advisory Group of the NZVA and a member of the BVD Steering Committee. She is a firm believer in the value of science to NZ’s primary production sector and thinks R&D companies serve an important role in the advancement of animal health and production.
Appointed 21.12.2022
Dr Michael R King – B Appl Sc (Hons), PhD
Mike is a Senior Lecturer within the Bioethics Centre at the University of Otago, and was nominated by the Health Research Council of New Zealand. His research draws on his early academic experience in the life sciences as well as moral and political philosophy. A main theme of this research is the ethical treatment of animals in research, farming, veterinary care, and as companions. Mike has also written on the ethics and regulation of reproductive and enhancement technologies and treatment of novel beings, the treatment of human cadavers, and the ethics of facilitated aid in dying.
Appointed 21.12.2022
Dr Jessica K Walker – BAppAnimTech, GDipHE, MSc, PhD
Jessica is currently the National Science Manager for SPCA New Zealand and was nominated by the RNZSPCA. Over the past 15 years she has worked in both academic and industry animal welfare management roles. She is particularly interested in Shelter Medicine Research and improving animal welfare in the shelter environment but has always held an interest more generally in the use of animals in research, testing, and teaching. Jessica is a current member of AEC committees.
Jessica obtained her PhD from the University of Queensland, Australia where she explored whether animals have an emotional experience akin to human grief. Prior to this she completed her MSc in Animal Behaviour and Welfare at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. She was among the first cohort of under-graduates from the Bachelor of Applied Animal Technology at Unitec and holds a graduate teaching qualification in higher education. Jessica’s home life is shared with her husband and two boys (aged 7 & 5), as well as two black labs and 3 Burmese cats.
Appointed 21.12.2022
Dr James (Jim) Webster – BSc, MSc, PhD
Jim is the Director of EthicoNZ Ltd as well as the Director AAALAC International. He has a background in physiology, animal welfare research, animal ethics evaluation/approval, auditing and certification. He has served as a director, chair, and committee member on several boards of other animal welfare professional organisations.
Appointed 29.01.25
Dr Timothy Kelly – BSc, Msc, PhD
Tim was nominated by the Ministry of Education and has a background in psychology and neuropharmacology and knowledge of laboratory animal use. He teaches science and practical agriculture, which makes him familiar with on farm livestock practices and keeping animals in a school setting. He also has leadership experience, holding a position on the New Zealand Association of Psychology Teachers Committee.
Appointed 29.01.25
Who to contact
If you have any questions about NAEAC, email