About us
The National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) is a statutory committee established under the Animal Welfare Act 1999.
NAEAC’s functions are:
- to advise the Minister on ethical issues and animal welfare issues arising from research, testing, and teaching
- to make recommendations to the Minister under section 3(3) (which relates to manipulation)
- to make recommendations to the Director-General under section 85 (which relates to restrictions on use of non-human hominids)
- to provide advice and information on the development and review of codes of ethical conduct:
- to make recommendations to the Director-General concerning the approval, amendment, suspension, or revocation of any code of ethical conduct
- to make recommendations to the Minister concerning the setting of standards and policies for codes of ethical conduct
- to provide information and advice to animal ethics committees
- to recommend, for approval by the Director-General under section 109, such persons as are, in the opinion of the Committee, suitable for appointment as accredited reviewers
- to consider the reports of independent reviews of code holders and animal ethics committees
- to make recommendations to the Minister under section 118(3) (which relates to the power of the Minister to approve research or testing).
NAEAC’s Strategic Plan (2024 – 2028)
NAEAC’s Strategic Plan aims to advance the ethical use and animal welfare outcomes in RTT by providing clear, high-quality, and robust advice.
Download NAEAC’s Strategic Plan below.
NAEAC’s work plan
NAEAC’s Strategic Plan provides a foundation for its Operation Work Programme. It outlines clear milestones and resource requirements to ensure that NAEAC is able to fulfil its functions as outlined in the Animal Welfare Act 1999.
Download NAEAC's Work Plan below.
NAEAC collaborations
NAEAC works closely with the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC), ANZCCART (Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching) and MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries).
NAWAC is also a ministerial advisory committee, and it provides advice to the Minister regarding codes of welfare, traps and animal welfare guidelines.
ANZCCART promotes the responsible use of animals in RTT across Australia and New Zealand.
MPI is a New Zealand government department that is responsible for animal welfare.
Together the four groups work collaboratively to improve animal welfare outcomes for animals used in RTT.

Who to contact
If you have any questions about NAEAC, email naeac@mpi.govt.nz